Bank Terbaik Indonesia

Bank Terbaik Indonesia - Munculnya nama Menteri Keuangan Agus Martowardojo sebagai calon tunggal yang diusulkan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono sebagai calon Gubernur Bank Indonesia, melahirkan berbagai spekulasi. Termasuk di internal Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR).

Wakil Ketua Komisi XI DPR Harry Azhar Azis yang selama ini menjadi rekan kerja Agus Marto dan Bank Indonesia melihat beberapa spekulasi dari pencalonan mantan dirut Bank Mandiri tersebut.

"Ini tafsir saya ya. Pertama, presiden sudah tidak butuh Agus Marto menjadi menkeu," ungkap Harry kepada, Sabtu (23/2).

Dia melanjutkan, karena sudah tidak dibutuhkan dalam kabinet, Agus Marto dipindahkan ke bank sentral. Latar belakang Agus Marto sebagai seorang bankir dan memahami seluk beluk perbankan nasional, dijadikan alibi bagi presiden untuk 'membuang' Agus Marto. "Agus Marto lebih dibutuhkan di BI. Jadi BI sebagai tempat pembuangan. Bank Terbaik Indonesia ini kan di luar kabinet," tegasnya.

Tapi, ada spekulasi lain. Ada kemungkinan, kata Harry, presiden melihat kinerja Agus Marto yang bagus selama menjadi menteri keuangan, maka 'pangkatnya dinaikkan' ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

"Mungkin presiden menganggap Agus Marto sudah bagus jadi menkeu, makanya dia naikin ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi sebagai gubernur Bank Indonesia," jelasnya.

Sebelumnya, dari penjelasan staf khusus presiden bidang ekonomi Firmanzah, Agus Marto dipilih setelah presiden mendapat bisikan dari berbagai pihak. Termasuk Wakil Presiden Boediono dan Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa.

"Presiden menerima masukan dan pertimbangan dari berbagai pihak. Termasuk menko perekonomian dan wapres," tegas Firmanzah.

Terlepas dari itu, harus diakui bahwa Agus Marto dipilih karena berkompeten di sektor perbankan. "Yang utama, Presiden melihat rekam jejak dan pengalaman panjang Agus Marto di perbankan dan jasa keuangan," katanya.

Presiden juga mempertimbangkan kinerja Agus Marto sebagai menteri keuangan yang cukup berhasil menjaga dan mengelola fiskal. Indikatornya, tingkat defisit yang rendah, di bawah 3 persen. Ramalan Zodiak

Bank Pemerintah Yakin Tumbuh di Atas Rata-rata Industri

Bank Pemerintah Yakin Tumbuh di Atas Rata-rata Industri - Banking industry executives believe the government will still have attractive growth in 2013, with an average increase of 20%, or above average industry growth. Even this projection is believed to be exceeded if the banking company has the support of infrastructure, human resources (HR) and information technology (IT).

This was disclosed by the Finance Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Tbk, Ahmad Baikuni in a hearing with House of Representatives Commission IX in Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (02/06/2013). "If you have the infrastructure, IT and HR qualified, then it is possible to grow in the banking industry average of 20%," he explained.

Under these conditions, will be sustained by the continued trend of rising GDP and domestic demand growth in Indonesia is expected to siphon off investment.

President Director of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk, Zulkifli Zaini added that national banks are targeting credit growth reached 22%, and third-party funds (deposits) by 18% this year. "2013 Credit takes about 20-22% and about 16-18% deposits," he said.

Estimates are based on the financial needs of the national economy in 2013 is expected to reach the level of income per capita gross domestic product (GDP) was at U.S. $ 4,090, the average interest rate of 5.8%, the planned increase in electricity rates (TDL) 15% and the Provincial Minumum Wage (UMP) by 20%.

In addition, the inflation rate is estimated at 5.4% in the exchange rate per U.S. dollar worth USD 9606. "We have a chance, given the high penetration yet, branchless banking, and so on.

In order to realize this growth, Zulkifli claimed banks had to face a number of challenges one large loan to deposit ratio (LDR), which is higher than the region. World Bank data shows the ratio of credit to GDP of Indonesia has reached 34%, or under the ASEAN countries. While the LDR ratio reached 84%, higher than Malaysia and the Philippines respectively 78% and 72%.

"Another challenge, the development of financial inclusion to boost the penetration of mobile phone-based banking services, and to develop the quality and capability of human resources," said Zulkifli.

For your information, the national bank financing up to November 2012 reached Rp 2600 trillion, or beyond the issuance of bonds amounting to Rp 599 trillion. As many as 70% of the funding is channeled to productive sectors such as investment and working capital.

"Credit investment reached Rp 559.7 trillion, or 24.7%, and working capital loans through the 19.8% of the value of Rp 1236 trillion. Biggest portion for infrastructure Rp 264.9 trillion, up 28.2% in the last 3 years," Zulkifli added. (Fik / SHD)